Professional Certificate in Paediatric Eye Care – New module starting 3rd February 2020
Accredited by the College of Optometrists and Ulster University
ENROLMENT: If you wish to reserve a place on this accredited short course, you need to complete the attached Enrolment form and make a payment. The Course fee is £1,300. After processing, you will receive an email receipt as confirmation of your enrolment. Please be advised that it can take a few days to process. Places are allocated on a first come, first served, basis. When capacity is reached, enrolment will close.
1. Email the completed Enrolment form to Please put Prof Cert Paediatric Eye Care in the subject line to ensure your application is correctly assigned.
2. Make the payment. You can do this by completing the Enrolment form with payment details OR alternatively you can pay by telephone. Email bookings are preferred.
Telephone 028 70123047 to make a payment over the phone. If no one is available to take your call please leave a voicemail with your contact details and we will return your call.
INDICATIVE DATES AND TIME-FRAME: The course commences 3rd February 2020 and runs for 16 weeks, with seven units of learning. You do not need to attend the University. All teaching and assessment can be undertaken remotely, however, an optional on-campus tutorial day is available for those who prefer to attend. Teaching and learning takes a variety of forms and much can be done at your own pace and in your own time. Assessments and assignment deadlines will be ongoing throughout the 16-week programme but before signing up it is important to note the following indicative dates:
ONLINE TUTORIALS: Week commencing 24th February 2020. Dates/times will be finalised by Doodle poll during the first week of the course. An evening and a weekend session will be available.
OPTIONAL ON-CAMPUS TUTORIAL: Friday 28th February 2020
ONLINE ASSESSMENT: Tuesday 3rd March 2020. This assessment will take place online in the evening between 8pm and 10pm (UK time).
ONLINE INTERVIEWS TO ASSESS CASE REPORTS: Week commencing 18th May 2020. Individual interview dates and times will be finalised during April.
EQUIPMENT: This Professional Certificate is an online programme so you will need access to a computer. Participants on the course will also need to be able to utilise cycloplegic drugs and have access to a minimum level of equipment suitable for assessing visual function of young children, e.g. a crowded logMAR acuity test (picture and letter versions) and an appropriate stereopsis test. Further details will be provided on registration.
ACCESS TO PATIENTS: You will submit four paediatric case records relating to eye examinations you have performed. Specifically, the College of Optometrists require two case records that evidence testing and managing a child with anisometropic amblyopia (preferably younger than 5 years of age) and a child with strabismus. Please ensure you have access to such patients before enrolling.
Successful registrants will be emailed to confirm they have a place and in due course provided with a unique login number and password for Ulster’s online learning platform (Blackboard Learn).
If you have any queries please contact
Click to book