Geoff McConville Opticians

Job title: Dispensing optician Hours: 30-40 per week Salary: Generous Specialised training provided Contact: Phone: 02890236629 If you are feeling ready for something more challenging and feel drawn to a more clinical focus in your role then...

Dispensing Optician

Qualified dispensing optician required for busy friendly independent practice in Swords, Co Dublin north of the airport and 50 minutes from Newry. Well respected practice with excellent reputation and recommended by ophthalmologists. Full professional freedom. Wide...

A study on adult progressing myopes.

Kathryn Saunders and her colleagues at Ulster University are recruiting for a study on adult progressing myopes. Please see the poster (click on Facebook) (1) Facebook for eligibility criteria and QR code (links to Ulster University SWAP study ( | Linktree) for more...