Dispensing CET Event
Question 1:
The term ‘Critical Period’ relates to the development of the visual pathway. The ‘cut off’ age of this critical period is thought to be:
a) 10 years of age
b) 8 years of age
c) 4 years of age
Highlight text to read answer: Ans: (b)
Question 2:
When examining and dispensing children we need to be aware of the attention span and recognise their limits. A 9-12 yr old has the attention span of approximately 30-45mins. Approximately how long would the attention span of a 2-3 yr old be?
a) 3-4 mins
b) 5-10 mins
c) 15-20 mins
Highlight text to read answer: Ans: (a)
Question 3:
Trivex is a new lens that is virtually unbreakable and is advised in dispensing children’s glasses. This lens is also UV protected. TRUE or FALSE?
Highlight text to read answer: Ans: TRUE