Dear Practitioner,
Currently there is limited information on eye care practitioners’ perceptions of the role of the tear film in contact lens fitting and wear. From a clinical point of view, we are trying to discover what factors are considered in relation to the quantity and quality of tears as well as how a practitioner considers the tear film in choosing a suitable contact lens material/brand for a patient. We are also seeking practitioners’ opinions on how manufacturers can aid contact lens choice and patients receive the best fit.
My name is Ronan Eaton and I am a second year Optometry student at Ulster University. I am currently carrying out a questionnaire in relation to the tear in film in contact lens wear and I am inviting your participation (supported by a Johnson&Johnson Educational Project) that explores these issues. Your response will be anonymised and it should take around 10 minutes. By completing the questionnaire, we are assuming consent has been given to participate but you are free to withdraw at any time. Ethical approval has been granted by the School of Biomedical Sciences Ethics Filter Committee at UU.