NIOS Conference 2016

Sri Kamalarajah’s lecture entitled ‘Sudden loss of vision – don’t panic!’ – Saturday Lecture 1 (8th Oct)
Q1. Which of the following is not a cause of sudden vision loss:
A. Opacification of normally transparent structures anterior to the retina
B. Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
C. Abnormalities of optic nerve and visual pathway
D. Retinal abnormalities

Q2. Total sudden vision loss is associated with:
A. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
B. Optic Neuritis
C. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
D. Stroke

Q3. What percentage of cases of artertic AION present with a chalky white swollen disc?
A. 69%
B. 59%
C. 79%
D. 49%

Dr Geoff Roses’s lecture entitled ‘The lacrimal paradox and other stories’ –  Saturday Lecture 2 (8th Oct)
Q1. Which of the following is not a cause of epiphora:
A. A hypersection due to early Thyroid disease
B. Reflex lacrimation
C. A lower lid reduction
D. An unobstructed punctum

Q2. Which of the following presents as a fine dimple on the side of the nose?
A. Centurian Syndrome
B. Blepharophimosis
C. Congenital lacrimal fistulae
D. Canicular transection

Q3. The loop of PANDO does not include which of the following steps:
A. Progressive nasolacrimal duct stenosis
B. Ocular surface debris and inflammation mediators
C. Inflammation of nasolacrimal duct
D. Increased tear clearance

Glaucoma: an Optometrists viewpoint – Sunday Lecture 1 (9th Oct)

Question 1

Which one of the following statements is correct?

  1. A thin cornea is defined as <555 microns
  2. A thick cornea is defined as > 580 microns
  3. A thin cornea is defined as <600 microns
  4. Normal corneal thickness is between 550-600 microns

Question 2

Which of the following are not risk factors for glaucoma?

  1. Relevant Family History
  2. Raised IOP
  3. Daily contact lens wear
  4. Increasing age

Question 3

Which of the following visual field defects are not associated with glaucoma?

  1. Nasal step
  2. Paracentral defect
  3. Arcuate lesions
  4. Homonymous hemianopia


Taming the Scary Orbit – Sunday Lecture 2 (9th Oct)

Question 1

Which of these conditions would not be classified as Acute onset lesions?

  1. Haemorrhage
  2. Acute infection
  3. Acute arterio-venus shunt
  4. Adult metastases

Question 2

The surgical technique of “Upper lid skin-crease incision” is suitable for which of the following conditions

  1. Massive intraconal lymphangioma
  2. Large floor fracture
  3. Decompression of the orbit
  4. Medial orbital dermoid

Question 3

Which surgical technique is best for decompression

  1. “Low” variant swinging flap
  2. “High” lower lid swinging flap
  3. Lateral orbitotomy incisions
  4. Trans-conjunctival medial orbitotomy

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